Saturday, September 19, 2009

fiyoza's super sweet 16

today is 19 september 2009
it means that : today is my birthday
now i was 16 years old start from today

this isn't my birthday cake. i just take from google. haha

i cut my hair today

don't judge from my face. haha.
not very visible that i just cut my hair isn't it?
thank you for your greetings :
santa ursula mates
bakpia (bahasa kelas paling asik)
santo vincentius mates
santo markus 2 mates
MB mates
mello-french horn community
facebook friend
and especially for
mom, dad, gratje, auntie, uncle, grandma and grandpa
i love you all :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

hospitalized @st carolus

oke. ini postingan waktu gue dirawat di rumah sakit st. carolus, salemba.

di taman - photo by sisi

thursday, sept 10th 2009 at my room - Lidwina 506.3
(from left to right) - liestya, katya, tesa, aretha, me, nindi, nina, hanna
photo by mom

friday, sept 11th 2009
(from left to right) - inggrid, me, tesa, manda, sisi, icha
photo by day

at my room - Lidwina 506.3
photo by mom

with echa

with day

with sisi

with manda

with inggrid

with icha
echa sok madesu di kursi roda :)
oke. gue dirawat pas seminggu dari tanggal 7-13 sept 2009 karna gejala tifus dan radang tenggorokan akut. jadi dahak gue bener2 dah sampe berdarah gitu.
ini dah kedua kalinya gue dirawat. dan gue gak mauuuuu lagiiii....
sakit diinfus berkali2 dan sempet sekali di depan tmen2 gue yang jenguk hari kamis. sakit di tes alergi segala!
but, i wanna say thanks for all your prayer, for all your support, and for your visit.
i wishes that i can follow-up my mid test as well. i need your support, guys! :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

rundown houses in jakarta

i took this pictures when i just back from mangga dua.
please consider. are u conserned with this condition in jakarta?

only the 1 impassable car

This shows a very small way

think, what happens if this slum UNDER THE RAILWAY fire?
I think the railway will expand and should be repaired

whether the quality of food in such areas clean?
i guess not.

and did you know, government provides electricity and telephone in this area. i wonder, how indonesia, especially jakarta can be clean from slum?
first, the government evicted slum like this all-out. but now, they provide facilities..
so strange...
realized indonesia! advance for indonesia!